Now I will tell you I have encountered this as well and in the last few years I might add. And the source of this Blue Screen? How did it return when we thought we had imunized ourselves from the microsoft plague? Well, it is not their problem- they are not the one creating the issue .. It is us, ourselves that must take the blame. If you recall I have an article on the Anti-virus issues and how to avoid these problems. (Linked here---> AntiVirus or here Antivirus again)
Let me add to these little articles, and yes the Viruspwnr is my site as well, just didn't have the heart to shut it down when I created this site. Not much goes on over there.
I have documented cases, of ANTIVIRUS conflicts causing so many various issues that numbers of other ailments are being identified that are not even the real problem. Here is a short list and what is happening and you decide, and maybe inquire to your technician if an antivirus conflict may be the cause and they will likely say a firm "no." Which is why our problems continue.
I feel alone in a battle to make Antivirus more friendly and less of a system destroyer.
Antivirus conflicts have been documented in cases to cause the following issues:
In the system Bios, No Hard drive detected (HDD) - they've eaten your IDE control er, the Hard Drive is actually fine, the software that it uses to communicate with your machine has been destroyed telling you the Hard Drive is broken when its not.
BLUE SCREEN : This is the number on answer to the Blue screen and system and memory dumps and crashes. The rule is - NEVER more than ONE antivirus on your machine at the same time and if your removing one from your system- be sure your doing it correctly!
Mother Board (MB) failures... again, the conflict ends in the antivirus software destroying your system boards software sets and causing the machine to have everything from power and display failures to power downs and memory dumps.
Case after case of the machine not being able to start up and load , this is of course the antivirus programs have destroyed your start up system files trying to remove one another in their silent war behind the scenes on your machine.
When using antivirus software, please please please, know what you are doing. Don't trust your buddy knows what they are doing. Don't trust a third party knows what they are doing. Be sure you have the knowledge to ask the right questions, and know the right answers- if the person trying to help you answers correctly then you know they are competent.
Antivirus software is GOD on your computer, and when there are two or more (yes I have seen this myself), then it is all out war for control of your computer. And you and your computer are the victims as they destroy files and needed device drivers trying to remove one another from the system. Which is impossible, as they are one in the same ... a GOD.
If you know people suffering any of the above system issues, direct them here or educate them to get rid of their multiple antivirus programs. Spread the word and maybe together we can put an end to our nightmares in this battle of Antivirus...
I think the title for the Blue screen of today should be called BLUE- V meaning the Blue Virus, as I have yet to see one of these that are not related to running multiple securities that are basically eating the persons machine alive.
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