
Tuesday, December 3, 2002

Submissions and Feedback


Hello! Welcome to PCSpyder. The reason for the name is tripple. First, PC = I only help people running windows (as they rule the world), SPYDER = Spiders eat BUGS, and I like to hunt and destroy BUGS on peoples computers, and SPY = as you see at , I have tools to remote onto your machine (With permission only through microsoft) and then SPY on what these BUGS are doing and get rid of them and help teach you to Optimize and better understand your computer.

Another new thing that I have decided to get out there for all of you is another mode of actually being heard on a platform. Perfect if you are not too familiar with Blogging or the internet, but want to see or share your information or experiences.

I am now accepting articles written by you! If you have some tech knowledge or an experience you would like to see posted,or would like to share- please feel free to submit it to me and if it fits my BLOG I will add it and include your name in the credits for that segment.

Remember to share PcSpyder with your freinds and those want to be Tech savy people you know! Spread the word and help end computer ignorance...

If you are including images (I would like to see images for articles, they catch attention in my Widget), you will have to send it to me in an HTML format.


You can do this in most online writing and Blog programs by simply clicking the show HTML link. You can even type the article in word or works and then build your final with images in Blogger or another online blogging tool. (Images can be copied and legally from or using the Image search link on the top left, be sure not to use INK Marked images)


If you want to make a submission but are stuck on the HTML bit or even getting images - don't worry. Type up your article and then mail it to me, and simply explain your dilemma, and I will help you. It is ok, once upon a time, I didn't know this stuff either.


The article will be posted as if you had posted it yourself, and given endorsement by myself and the PCSpyder and Techunderground sites. Just like writting for a magazine! Or the Newspaper!


YES! You are even allowed to insert links and connections to your own webpages and other blogs! No problem! No restrictions ouside of affiliate links and spam links. These will all be checked before I publish the document, any violations will be removed and reported to you as to why. AGAIN No Affiliate/ or Spam links allowed.. please don't try to infect my visitors.


Be sure to include your writing name and an image (optional) of yourself. And I will get back to you if any changes are needed or reasons for refusal.


You surrender all reprinting rights to me by submitting the document, and no payments will be given for articles at this time- This means I can refferance and reprint your articles at will. Now this does not limit your ability to reprint, you can also post your article elsewhere without problem.

In the future however, when the PcSpyder e-books are written, all contributers will be contacted and payments will be arranged based on the number of articles to be printed. This will be a base percentage, based on your submissions and the sale cost of the book to be calculated by PCSpyder and TechUnderground.
(YES! eventually you could get paid!)


You can send this to me at

I welcome submissions and feedback or comments! If you have a Blog you can add me with the WIDGET to the right, or even add me through Techunderground on Myspace!

I look forward to hearing from you!

Owner PCSpyder and TechUnderground

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