
Saturday, May 17, 2014

A new Age calls for a New Age of Tech User's.

Yes, in an age where technology is in a full sprint and running away from us, we need to step it up a bit and get ahead of the ball. Doing this is not as hard as it would seem, the keys to having a good running computer environment are not that complex and most can be automated, (meaning the computer can be scheduled to do many of these tasks for you.) Here are NEW BUYER BASICS:

  • DO NOT buy added protection Software at the Retailer.
  • BUY a Machine that suits your needs. If your a Light, Medium or Heavy Data User/ with little or high demand for Streaming Capabilities, or even Video and Audio Editing.Heavy Ended needs are better suited for DESKTOP TOWERS, where LapTop's are for LIGHT ended users for Email, and light production.
  • OUT OF BOX: When taking your machine out of the box follow the setup instructions and be sure to have the power cord plugged in on Laptops to ensure it does not shut down during vital set-up periods. Go through the steps of time, date, user names and the like, but SKIP Anti-Virus Installs, and the INTERNET connection portions. (AGAIN, do not set up the INTERNET and ANTIVIRUS protections on the machine during initial setup, click the NOT NOW, option. Yes, there will be warnings. Once Set up, go into your programs list, and the desktop, and remove any programs not vital to the system, you do not want. Do not uninstall, software burning programs or other vital ones that may be there including but not limited to, Java, Adobe, Shockwave, etc. Anything with the name BURNER in it, they likely have drivers needed in them to run your cd burner on the machine. Next research the AntiVirus that came preinstalled. Yes you need to get rid of it. Now connect to the internet only is needed to remove your Antivirus, which you need to do for Norton as an example. Your computer will be safe going to secured sites without protection, just don't get excited your online and start surfing the web, you WILL get infected. For Norton Products, simply goto , and run the uninstaller, it will prompt to restart, it will also pop up on restart asking you to reinstall it. Close the window and it is gone. Double check the programs list and make sure all facets of it is removed, such as Norton ToolBars etc. Now after a restart and properly removing the old ANTIVIRUS (Do not take free trials!) go to Microsofts page here and install the FREE version, be sure to custom INSTALL and refuse any other offers. If you take offers by accident, remember the names and remove them in the programs lists later. Now you have an AntiVirus, it will update and the like on its own, turn all of that on, and information sharing. This helps them to define Virus' as they are found on machines, which helps everyone. Data is Power. NEXT all you need is your MALWARE protection, I use MALWAREBYTES  Get it here! Be sure to put an Icon on the TASK bar so you can CLICK it in an emergency where unwanted pop ups come around! Teach your family to use this tool and keep it updated, and it put a sword in your hands against Malware almost 95% of the time. Rule #1 to avoid Malware? Don't surf on unofficial sites, Internet Sites are like Land, it depends on what is built there as to the level of security, and lack there of could have you in the middle of a MALWARE den. Yup.
  • Be sure JAVA, ADOBE, FLASH are all up to date. When Dealing with these programs and to avoid errors, be sure you only have the latest VERSION installed, Uninstall all previous versions and patches if the Version changes. If you get a patch update and not a version UPDATE, run it as is, no uninstalls are needed. This will prevent program errors and the like going forward.
  • NEVER install TOOLBARS of any type.TOOLBARS are basically LEGAL spyware, where research gatherers monitor what you do through tools built into their Tool Bars, which eats your internet speed, whether you use them or not.
  • Never set programs to START when the computer starts, other than INTERNET, and ANTIVIRUS. The more things you have turning on when the machine powers up, the longer it takes to start, and if you have too many programs starting, it will eat all the RAM, and your computer will nerver LOAD into WINDOWS. Simply, go into SAFE MODE, turn off the Start Up programs and restart, the problem is solved. Never put programs to STARTUP, go into settings/ Preferences and turn them off.
  • Whenever installing programs, get them from secured sites and always do a custom install to avoid getting unwanted programs on your machine. REMEMBER no MORE security! DO NOT get a bunch of BOT programs, with computers and security programs MORE is BAD, NOT good. All you need is the MSE and MALWAREBYTES. I am telling you. And always have the latest version of Windows EXPLORER, even if you don't use it. Turn on your Windows Updates. Let the MSE run your settings, and if you have issues with a program and the internet, ADD it to the exceptions in your ANTIVIRUS PROGRAM. See Adding Exceptions to MSE.
  • You almost NEVER have to BUY Microsoft Tools, for example, there is OPENOFFICE that allows you to do documents, read, send and publish in nearly every Doc type, and it is FREE. FREEWARE is a great search term when looking for a program or computer tool. But be cautious, there will be tons of MIRROR sites pretending to be giving you these products, but instead it is a trick to get their product and other affiliate services. Why? Even though they know you may uninstall everything later? Because they are paid by the download, it is a big hole in the web marketing industry. Trick Numbers.
  • I NOW service the SW MISSOURI area, with Milage outside of Springfield. Feel free to hit my Facebook page and links, and make an appointment. Let me be Your Computer Guru. One on One Computer and Program Training starting at $100.00. Find me Here!
  • REMEMBER set your WINDOWS UPDATE/ DEFRAGMENTATION & Disk CleanUp, as well as the ANTIVIRUS, ADOBE, and JAVA on AUTO UPDATE. I set them to weekly, in the eves when I know I won't be using my computer. They do the updates and take care of it all for you. Once you catch that everything has recently BEEN updated and is running fine, do a SYSTEM RESTORE image, so you have a good point in time to go back to if something should go wrong. Also if the machine acts strange after an update, go into SAFE MODE turn off updates, and uninstall the last update(s) installed, look for an update patch or repair. Then try the update again, this could take days or maybe weeks, so be sure not to turn THAT update back on until they fixed it.
  • DO NOT HIBERNATE/ SLEEP your machine. I turn these functions off to prevent errors, leave the machine plugged in (Laptops) provide plenty of ventilation under the machines which means do not use on your Lap or padded/ cloth surfaces it will suffocate your machine and cook the chips right off the MotherBoard. Hibernation can potentially not turn on all system services needed when the machine returns from it's sleep, turn these off in the power options. Instead of hibernate, simply turn on the screen saver, and password lock it. Turn off all sleep and hibernate function, because when your not using your machine, or are not planning to for awhile? Well, if it is a Laptop, you should turn it off. They are only made to be on 5-6 hours at a time, and be sure to exercise your battery, by using it just opn battery regularly, it prevents burning the battery out. From over charging, or having a continual charge. Hibernate and Sleep have been broken since Xp, and they know it.
IF you're in the SW MISSOURI AREA and NEED help, I do ON Site, Drop Off's and Overnights, go ahead and look me up at or on FACEBOOK AT TECHUNDERGROUND!

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